Spaghetti straps are used to make many bikini styles, sometimes straps simply add a fun detail but most of the time straps are functional and must be strong and durable. It can be tricky to make any spaghetti straps but things get more challenging when you need them to stretch well and stay strong for your bikini project. Stretch spaghetti straps require elastic and it takes experience before you get your final result to look professionally made. If you already tried sewing straps and something didn't work out right check my troubleshooting guide for overlock machines here.
You will need
- rubber elastic 1/4" (.6 cm) wide
- precut fabric 1" (2.5 cm) wide
- loop turner hook
- serger (overlock machine)
- rubber elastic 1/4" (.6 cm) wide
- precut fabric 1" (2.5 cm) wide
- loop turner hook
- serger (overlock machine)
Non stretch straps require cutting fabric on bias which is not needed for stretch straps.
Tip: don't precut elastic, sew of the entire length and trim it after the strap is sewn.

Fold fabric in half with right sides inwards. Align elastic with the cut edges (not the crease) and start serging. Sometimes first few stitches can be tough, if you are having hard time with smooth beginning - serge an inch or two (2.5 - 5 cm) of fabric along and then apply elastic while continue stitching.

Strap should look nice and clean. Prepare your loop turner hook (sold on Amazon, Joann etc).

Insert the hook inside the strap until you see the hook on the opposite end.

Pin the fabric with the hook and start pulling out. Don't rush with this step, if your fabric is delicate and lightweight it may ripened get stuck inside the strap. Go slowly distributing gathers as you pulling out.
Test your elastic by stretching, if the thread breaks you should check dial tension, most likely it is too tight.

Strap is done!